Who are we ?

We are a community of TRADERS who have been through it all .. SCAMMED , MISLEAD , MISINFORMED , MISGUIDED & ultimately LOST to say the least when it came to starting our TRADING CAREERS . 


Since then , we have OVERCAME it all ! 

From the basics of trading foreign markets to mastering our Psychology & achieving flawless Execution . 


We know what it is like to be bombarded with FALSE information , Strategies that don’t work , Traders who sell the dream instead of selling the proper tools needed to TRADE & overall being fed a LUMP SUM of useless information & terminology that will get you NO WHERE in this industry . 


With that being said , I personally have sought out to SIMPLIFY the INDUSTRY in ways everyone can understand . 


Starting from scratch and understanding each and every bit along the way ! 


From understanding what TRADING is to finally leaving your 9-5 job !


We all dream of FINANCIAL FREEDOM 

And i feel as it is my sole purpose to LEAD each and everyone of you there ! 


LIFE is TOO SHORT to not be where you want to be each and everyday , to not drive the car you’ve always wanted to drive , to not live in the house you’ve always wanted to live in & ultimately live the life you have always dreamed of ! 


We have 1 LIFE to live .. So while we are here , 

let’s turn our DREAMS into REALITY ! 


Our Goal !

Our goal is very simple , our goal is to give each and everyone an opportunity to SKIP all of the nonsense 100% of upcoming traders face when starting their TRADING CAREERS ! 

 It is our GOAL to make sure any and everyone gets fed the ONLY knowledge that is needed to be a successful TRADER . 

 We can’t express it enough how cluttered this industry is with FALSE misleading information and countless amounts of SCAMS used to make people RICH off of selling the DREAM rather than actually providing the proper knowledge needed for being successful in the trading industry ! 

 With MAXIMUS EMINENCE you will not only LEARN how to TRADE utilizing our chronologically ordered A-Z course , you will learn the basics from what trading is to what terminology is used , what each indicators purpose is , how to properly read price action , what you need to study , what you need to master your psychology , and last but not least .. what you need to preform FLAWLESS EXECUTION on the charts ! 

 It is and always has been our goal to make understanding this industry as EASY as possible . 

 We are FIRM believers in TIME being the most valuable part of our life’s , so why waste it ? 


The quicker you get started , the quicker you can achieve all of your GOALS and LIVE the LIFE you have always dreamed of !

Our Vision !

Our vision is to CREATE a community full of TRADERS who have successfully MASTERED the MARKETS .. 

 From showing the way to Mislead & Misinformed traders .. to paving the proper pathway for people who are just now stumbling across the trading industry. 

 We STRIVE for nothing short of PURE EXCELLENCE and it is our goal that we get each and everyone of you there !